
spotlight on: february jones

here are some things fj wrote that i wanted to feature here. be like me and enjoy.


four degrees...our separation draws near...our time to a close...trying to outrun limits self imposed for a glimpse at the limitless minds of two, one when in harmony.............

she whispers of the hear, a moment quietly shared...a *snap* and a *cheese* of the genuine...his comes from hers, his photo, her words...her thousand send a million through him, rippling inward, outward, catapulting him to extreme heights...making sense of it all i doze, my sense awakening to a room ripe with chaos subdued through its growth into a world less flat............

a kiss before dying...it would all be worthwhile, as your arms quite the fitting resting place...a kiss before dying, a hug upon my return..........

why is your head lowered? i should kneel to you...your words birthed me, shaping my thoughts through fertile, nubile plains...round the delta of our union...waxing poetic, they flow freely, blood pumping through us, more vital than the air we...breathe with each passing second...gasping as our thoughts overwhelm us... "it is time."

all rights reserved.

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