
33. talk to my ob/gyn about fertility testing and ovulation

yes, i’m alive.

so i knocked this one off my 52 in 52 list yesterday, and i wasn't even trying to do so.

come to find out, there’s a lot going on in my lady parts. i have something called pcos, which is so much fun that it makes me sick sometimes.

more info (if you want to know): http://women.webmd.com/pcos-directory

pcos is an acronym for polycystic ovarian syndrome. my doctor figured this out, just by asking a few very good, very personal questions. i really like her. it was my first time going to her because i'm new to annapolis (for adulthood, anyway), and all of my doctors were in richmond. i'm definitely not driving there from annapolis.

i went to the doctor, originally, because my stomach hurt really bad. it wasn't farts or poops, it was like pain/discomfort. no nausea, no cramps...just this random stabbing sensation. it felt so good.

i stayed in bed mostly on wednesday. it felt pretty good. when i started getting ready for bed, i got a few more stabs (probably just for kicks). my mom asks, "are you pregnant?" and immediately i'm like "no. not even possible right now."

thursday i wake up and i'm in even more excruciating pain, so i call out of work, again. i hate calling out of work. the last time i called out was because this dumb lady used the shoulder as passing lane in rush hour traffic and ended up hitting my car. it was so fun that day. (rolls eyes)

my insurance is hmo (not homosexual; hmo), so in order to even go to the doctor, my insurance carrier makes me choose a primary care physician and only go to them first before going anywhere else. fine by me, as my copay is freaking sweet and i don't have to meet a deductible.

i get to the doctor and do some paperwork. i'm thinking the doctor's going to prescribe me something for acid reflux or tell me to buy some tums, right? that's what they do.

no. not so much.

so yeah, i got about 6 vials of blood taken for testing on just about everything from hormone levels to insulin levels to blood count. i even peed in a cup to test for pregnancy (negative) and so that they can do a urinalysis. my stomach is extremely sensitive and i really don’t know why at this point, other than the fact that it probably has something to do with pcos. i’m in a pretty good amount of pain, but i didn’t want to call out of work again, so here i am, at my demise work.

i won't lie, i'm slightly frustrated because i totally wasn't expecting the office visit i got, but at least i’m finally getting some solid answers and i'm headed in the right direction.

i have more stuff coming up later this month as far as testing. i have to get a pelvic and intra-uterine ultrasound, i have to get a physical including a women’s yearly exam (joy, deep down in my soul), and i even get to see an allergist. i’m so excited, i’m beaming.

so inadvertently, i got to talk to my doctor about fertility issues and ovulation. the doctor says it’s nothing to really be worried about at this point, but being on a birth control that gives me a cycle every month is going to help more, because my body needs to be re-programmed to do what it's supposed to do, monthly. like flush, and ovulate. i currently don’t have a cycle—which in my opinion, is awesome. it's just not so awesome for child-bearing purposes, and since i actually want a kid or two, i definitely need to bite the bullet and get hip to having a monthly cycle.

the doctor wants to see if i have cysts on my ovaries, because the build up of not having a cycle can cause endometriosis. also, pcos can cause pre-diabetes and diabetes, because the body has trouble responding to the insulin that is produced, which can result in high blood sugar levels.

the worst part is it's not common in my family. clearly my mother can have kids with no problem. she had me and my sister. she's always had a regular cycle. my grandmother had 5 kids, always had a regular cycle. nobody has this except me, in the entire world. which is why there is already so much literature on it on reputable websites.

they were waiting for me.

i hope you all felt the sarcasm. i tried to make it as tangible as possible.so yes, the past 2 days have been amazing. like a mini-vacation. i'm looking forward to learning more about this syndrome, but if there's anyone out there who has dealt with this, please contact me with things that have worked for you to get everything running better, and even support. i really need it.



  1. Well first. I am very sorry. Sometimes when it rains it pours.
    This is a tough time to go through but things will change. You have to remember that you are not in control and that you are doing your best.
    I struggled with infertility and then when i least expected. it happened...Hugs to your ways.

    Come say hi and follow back please!

  2. thanks, isabelle...that was such a big boost of encouragement. i'm just a little overwhelmed because the problems i've had are not new, per se, but i finally have a physician who wants to tackle things head on.

    the last doctor i saw for my stomach problems, pretty much told me that it was a dumb idea to take a pregnancy test and she only ordered an ultrasound. when that came back normal, she said that i should take some tums. needless to say, i complained to her supervisor, and i think they stopped inviting her to pinch hit at that office when they were short staffed because of it. i hate bad service, especially when it comes to ailments and the human body.

    i will definitely stop by your blog :) thanks for commenting.
