
followers; how many of us have them?

i think we all do, but i'm probably the luckiest of them all.

i have 9 followers as of today! and i'm so excited. welcome newest follower; i'm glad to have you here.

i know my posts have been a bit scarce lately, but i have been a little busy, things at work have been annoying, and i have felt slightly uninspired to write.

i am still working on my 52 in 52, but it gets more difficult to do some of the things i want to do, because the weather is so bad in maryland. one day it ranges from 50 to 65 degrees, the next day it's 25 to 27 degrees. just ridiculous. makes me want to sleep.

but! i have a plan. i'm going to write an entry entitled "if i got blog of note". i think you will love it.

if you don't, it will grow on you.

if it doesn't, you will remember that you love me, and that will be all that matters. right?


how was your weekend?

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